Chalcedony Stone |
Structural Features
Mikrokristal of the structure of quartz. The structure of the bottom of the species is divided into. For example, agate stone band, jasper patterned. However, chalcedony the name referred to the stones of the general structure of single-color and flat colors. The name of the first extraction of Khalkedon (Istanbul's Kadikoy district) on. The main residence is Turkey. Friendship, generosity and a positive life look symbol. Chalcedony Move the Benefits of Emotional yourself as under the tension you feel, chalcedony stone positive effects you will need internal support. Yourself sincerely, honestly expression for your courage. Express yourself under stress by you into the habit of bringing the fraudulent conduct gets rid. •Eye problems can be used.
•Changes in the adaptation easier.
•Emotional balance.
•Ability to communicate strengthens. The person's feelings, to express the necessary willingness and courage.
•Protective characteristics of the evil eye, can be used against.
•Negative energy barrier, regulate metabolism.
•The soul and the body, the balance between provides.
•Increasing the self-confidence gives courage..
Mikrokristal of the structure of quartz. The structure of the bottom of the species is divided into. For example, agate stone band, jasper patterned. However, chalcedony the name referred to the stones of the general structure of single-color and flat colors. The name of the first extraction of Khalkedon (Istanbul's Kadikoy district) on. The main residence is Turkey. Friendship, generosity and a positive life look symbol. Chalcedony Move the Benefits of Emotional yourself as under the tension you feel, chalcedony stone positive effects you will need internal support. Yourself sincerely, honestly expression for your courage. Express yourself under stress by you into the habit of bringing the fraudulent conduct gets rid. •Eye problems can be used.
•Changes in the adaptation easier.
•Emotional balance.
•Ability to communicate strengthens. The person's feelings, to express the necessary willingness and courage.
•Protective characteristics of the evil eye, can be used against.
•Negative energy barrier, regulate metabolism.
•The soul and the body, the balance between provides.
•Increasing the self-confidence gives courage..